
drummer1Today, three basic sizes of drums are used. The Bass, which is usually carried on the chest, struck by padded mallets and given the awesome task of keeping a steady tempo. The Tenor, pitched an octave above the Bass, is also struck by mallets, but with great dexterity and showmanship and carried on the leg. The Snare or side drum is struck by sticks and is used to provide obligato patterns an octave above the Tenor drums.

drummer2Each individual competitor is judged on a variety of qualities and talents that, when all combined, will make the playing of his instrument sound pleading to the ear of the listener. Each player has an individual style, and this style must please the judge before he can win a prize. The competing drummer will be accompanied by a piper, but only the drummer is judged. He may play only a march, or will play a series of musical pieces that will increase in speed the technical difficulty. This will be heard in the higher amateur grades, and in the open drumming, and is called the March Strathspey, and Reel competition.

Caidreachas do Dhualchas Albannach ann an Albainn Nuaidh

Bidh sinn a’ cur air adhart dualchas coimhearsnachdan ioma-ghnèitheach na h-Albann Nuaidhe: cànain, litreachas, lùth-chleasachd, agus ealain. Is sinne co-bhann de phearsachan, theaghlaichean, chomainn agus stéidheachain aig a bheil suim ann a’ gléidheadh, a’ dìonadh agus ag àrdachadh gach uile seòrsa de dhualchas Albannach.