We celebrate and perpetuate the cultural, linguistic, literary, athletic and artistic heritage and traditions of Nova Scotia's diverse Scottish communities.

We are a coalition of individuals, families, associations and institutions that are passionate about preserving, protecting and promoting all forms of expression of Scottish cultural identity in Nova Scotia.

Dedicated to serving the community...

The Federation for Scottish Culture (FSCNS) has been the voice for our province's Scottish-cultural communities, cultural associations and clans since 1982.  We endeavour to create an appreciation of Scottish culture and traditions, while celebrating Nova Scotia's Scottish heritage. To learn more about our activities and initiatives, check our our Events Calendar.

A vibrant and living culture...

The members of the Federation for Scottish Culture actively preserve and promote Scottish culture, traditions and heritage.  We recognize the contributions of generations of Scots to the fabric of our society.  We celebrate our heritage through fellowship and having fun.  Membership is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Scottish culture, as well as clan societies and Scottish-cultural organizations. Click here for an Application.

Caidreachas do Dhualchas Albannach ann an Albainn Nuaidh

Bidh sinn a’ cur air adhart dualchas coimhearsnachdan ioma-ghnèitheach na h-Albann Nuaidhe: cànain, litreachas, lùth-chleasachd, agus ealain. Is sinne co-bhann de phearsachan, theaghlaichean, chomainn agus stéidheachain aig a bheil suim ann a’ gléidheadh, a’ dìonadh agus ag àrdachadh gach uile seòrsa de dhualchas Albannach.