Benefits of Membership

mbrshp-2Becoming a member of the Federation for Scottish Culture in Nova Scotia is about being proud in our Scottish heritage, our culture, and most importantly, it's about having fun!

The Federation and its member groups regularly stage social activities that celebrate "all things Scottish." In doing our work to support Scottish culture, we never lose sight of the importance of coming together to share fellowship. Won't you join us?

Membership is open to all -- Nova Scotians and non-residents alike -- an appreciation for all expressions of Scottish culture, heritage and identity is all that is required.

As a supporter of Scottish identity in Nova Scotia, you have one of three classes of annual membership from which to choose:

  • Individual Supporter = $20.00
  • Clan Association or Family = $30.00
  • Scottish Cultural Organization = $30.00

Caidreachas do Dhualchas Albannach ann an Albainn Nuaidh

Bidh sinn a’ cur air adhart dualchas coimhearsnachdan ioma-ghnèitheach na h-Albann Nuaidhe: cànain, litreachas, lùth-chleasachd, agus ealain. Is sinne co-bhann de phearsachan, theaghlaichean, chomainn agus stéidheachain aig a bheil suim ann a’ gléidheadh, a’ dìonadh agus ag àrdachadh gach uile seòrsa de dhualchas Albannach.