For 400 years, Scots have lived on Canada’s east coast in Nova Scotia – New Scotland. Come experience the beauty and history of Canada’s ocean playground. Come celebrate with us our “Scottishness.”

jeanwatson1Spend your days uncovering your roots and meeting new friends and family for the very first time. Explore the Highlands of Cape Breton, the luscious and fertile Annapolis Valley, the miles of beaches along the Sunrise Trail, or the lovely fishing communities of the South Shore.

Nova Scotia has always been a world-class travel destination, with “must-see” festivals and community events. We have hidden gems for history buffs. A geological marvel, Nova Scotia possesses many wonders of the natural world. We have the world’s largest scallop fleet and the world’s highest tides. There are always activities for rainy days, hotspots for traditional as well as modern music and theatre.

And yes, we still have lighthouses and lobster, plus the the finest wineries in all of North America.

Experience our culture, heritage, history, music and lifestyle… in the context of an international celebration of “All Things Scottish.” Come to Nova Scotia in 2015…

Where the Old World Meets the New!™

Jean MacKaracher Watson
Chairperson, 2015 International Gathering of the Clans Festival
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Caidreachas do Dhualchas Albannach ann an Albainn Nuaidh

Bidh sinn a’ cur air adhart dualchas coimhearsnachdan ioma-ghnèitheach na h-Albann Nuaidhe: cànain, litreachas, lùth-chleasachd, agus ealain. Is sinne co-bhann de phearsachan, theaghlaichean, chomainn agus stéidheachain aig a bheil suim ann a’ gléidheadh, a’ dìonadh agus ag àrdachadh gach uile seòrsa de dhualchas Albannach.